Stock Information

Details of share issuance
(per-share face value: KRW 100)

Issued shares by stock type, Total amount information
Share type No. of stocks issued Treasury stock Total face value
Common stock 70,217,344 of stocks 5,046 of stocks 7,022 million won
Preferred shares 20,687,062 of stocks 2,076 of stocks 2,068 million won
Total 90,904,406 of stocks 7,122 of stocks 9,090 million won

As of Jan. 30, 2024, Unit: Stocks/ KRW 1M

Cumulative voting and written voting

Adoption of cumulative voting and vote by-mail
Voting type Status Date of adoption Remarks
Cumulative voting Not adopted -
Written voting Not adopted -

Matters pertaining to the share dividend of Solus Advanced Materials

Matters pertaining to the share dividend of Solus Advanced Materials
Dividend Record Date 2022.12.31 2021.12.31 2020.12.31
Dividend Classification fiscal year dividend fiscal year dividend fiscal year dividend
Kinds of dividends cash dividend cash dividend cash dividend
Dividend per share (KRW)
Ordinary shares 100 100 10
1 Preferred shares 101 101 11
2 Preferred shares 100 100 12
Dividend yield (%)
Ordinary shares 0.33 0.12 0.02
1 Preferred shares 1.23 0.47 0.07
2 Preferred shares 0.97 0.36 0.04
Total dividend amount (KRW 100 million) 45.53 39.67 4.06
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